Meadow Oaks
Meadow Oaks is located in East Charlotte, East Forest neighborhood. Public transportation is one block from the community. The community has an active after school program for the children, including homework assistance and snacks.
**This site is not currently accepting applications**
6011 Florence Ave Charlotte, NC 28212
Office Hours
Property Information
Number of Units: 32
Bedrooms: 1, 2, 3, 4
Year Built: 1978
Property Location: Southeast Charlotte
Laundry Facility: Laundry Facility
Included Utilities: Electric, Sewer, Water
Community Type: Family, Seniors 55+, Disabled
Housing Type: Income Based Housing
Management Company: Blue Horizon Management Company
Community Information
Transportation (CATS)
Bus 27 (Monroe Rd. & Ashmore Dr) | Bus 17 (Independence Blvd @ 6052)
Shopping & Parks
Aldi Grocery (0.3 miles) & Food Lion (2.3 mile) | Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Independence (1.0 miles) | US
Rama Road Elementary K-5 | McClintock Middle School 6-8 | East Mecklenburg High School 9-12