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Don’t have email? Here’s how to create one…
Step 1: Determine what service to create your email address with – Creating an email address is simple and free, you just have to choose what service you want to use. For example:, or
Step 2: Click the “Sign In” or “Create an Account” button – When you get to the website there will be a “Sign In” or “Create an Account” button. Click this button to get started. It will ask for your name and contact information. It will also ask for you to create a username and password. When creating a username, you want to make sure to use your name and favorite number because it is easier to remember, and it will look professional when applying for jobs. Create a password that you will remember and only you would know. Write down your username and password somewhere safe, just in case you forget it. Then click “continue.”
Step 3: Verify your account and you are done – The site will ask you to verify your account by entering in the verification code that you can choose to have it texted or called to you. Enter in the code they send you and your account is complete.