ACTION: Notice of public comment period and public hearing.
SUMMARY: INLIVIAN has released a draft of the Fiscal Year 2022 Moving to Work (MTW) Annual Plan.
Participation in the Federal MTW program allows INLIVIAN exemptions from existing public housing and voucher rules and provides funding flexibility associated with Federal housing dollars. The Fiscal Year 2022 MTW Annual Plan will communicate how the agency looks to utilize the benefits of the MTW program for fiscal year 2022.
PUBLIC COMMENT: The public comment period begins July 16, 2021 and ends August 18, 2021.
Written comments will be accepted via email at MTW@INLIVIAN.COM, and through regular post, addressed to:
MTW Office
400 East Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28203
PUBLIC HEARING: The public hearing will be held virtually and via telephone on August 17, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. To join the public hearing, or to sign-up to speak on this matter, please call (704)-432-5557 or send an email to
To access the draft plan in person, please visit the INLIVIAN Administrative Office located at 400 East Boulevard (persons wanting to come view the document need to schedule an appointment through the INLIVIAN Customer Service Center), all INLIVIAN/Blue Horizon managed properties (please contact the property directly for an appointment), the Main Public Library at 310 North Tryon Street, beginning July 16, 2021.
To request a hard copy of the draft plan for review, please contact INLIVIAN’s MTW Office at: (704)-432-5557, or
To access the draft plan on-line, visit the INLIVIAN web-site at under Moving to Work:
REASONABLE ACCOMODATION REQUESTS: INLIVIAN is committed to providing equal access to this event for all participants and residents with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation or sign language interpreter service, please contact our ADA/504/Language Department at 704-336-8413 to initiate a request. Please allow at least 3 business days to make the necessary arrangements. If you need a foreign language translator, please contact our ADA/504/Language Department at 704-336-8413. Â Please allow at least 5 business days to make the necessary arrangements.