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2020 INLIVIAN Symposium

 “Maximizing Opportunities:  Navigating New Landscapes”

Questions and Answers (Q &A)

Handouts & Presentations

Partnering with INLIVIAN…A Smart Business Investment

Anthony Lindsey, Broker and Realtor KEYNOTE SPEAKER

I am interested in investing in rental property for the first time, are ADUs a good, safe entry into the Housing Provider world?

ADUs are a good entry into providing affordable housing and into owning investment property.    There are some parameters to this option like making sure that your property meets the requirements to construct an ADU.  The city of Charlotte is promoting this as rental opportunity for existing homeowners. The benefits of an ADU is it can increase the value of your property and provide additional income from the rental.

Is there a getting started packet for new investors?

There are no know starter packets available to invest, but it is recommended that you consult with a real estate professional and or an investment group that will help you develop an investment strategy to meet your personal and professional needs.

After a tenant moves out who do you contact for assistances with restoring the home for new tenant if your already with the housing program? Once your property is available for rent, you should advertise your available unit to HCV participants on GoSection8 and Socialserve websites. 

INLIVIAN does not restore properties for a new tenant, however, the housing provider may take advantage of the Continuity bonus incentive for continuing to lease to our families.

I am looking for multi units and JV opportunities any suggestions? Currently new landlord in the program.

Please refer to the Opticos Design website.  for information.

Are there any grants available for landlords?

There are not grants available for landlords.  The Forbearance option of the CARES Act is the most relevant.  There are no government options for grants.

Demystifying the HCV program

Kia Cauthen, Housing Provider Outreach Specialist, INLIVIAN

Timica Melvin, Senior Vice President, Housing Choice Voucher Program, INLIVIAN

Do you let the renters know that you are the property owner?

Housing Providers can list available units on and

What is the voucher amount for the different bedroom numbers 1-5 bedrooms?

INLIVIAN creates a Payment Standards annually based on HUD published Fair Market Rents (FMR).  The FMR is based on the bedroom size for the local Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The payment standard sheet is listed on the resource section of the website.

Are there statistics available on voucher amounts vs. property size?

INLIVIAN voucher amounts are based on the HUD published fair market rent (FMRs) and estimated utility allowances.  Payment Standards and Utility Allowances are based on bedroom size.  Copies of the Payment Standards and Utility Allowances can be found on the resource page.

Will copies of these slides be shared for all of the presenters?

Copies of the presentation will be posted on INLIVIAN’s website along with the recording of the symposium.

What are the rent rates for the different bedroom sizes?

INLIVIAN creates a Payment Standards annually based on HUD published Fair Market Rents (FMR).  The FMR is based on the bedroom size for the local Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The payment standard sheet is listed on the resource section of the website.

The average length a tenant resides in a HCVP home?

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) states that a HCV tenant are typically long term tenants living in a unit for 7-8 years on average.

 What does the Care Act say about HOA late payments?

There is nothing mentioned in the Cares Act in reference to HOA late payments.

What happens if an HCV participate stops participating in their supportive    services? 

The Destination Homeownership program provides a 12 month follow up services post purchase.  There are no consequences if they stop participating in their supportive services.  However, they will need to comply with the Housing Choice Voucher program/process.

How do I get more information on the risk mitigation fund and sign-on bonus?

To find out more about INLIVIAN Housing Provider Incentive Program including the risk mitigation funds and sign on bonus, please contact Kia Cauthen at 704-336-5844 or email

How do I become a new housing provider?

INLIVIAN offers housing provider briefings to prospective landlords who are interested in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.  Please contact Kia Cauthen at 704-336-5844 or email for more information.

Do you have information sessions for owners interested in putting units on the program?

INLIVIAN offers housing provider briefings to prospective landlords who are interested in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.  Please contact Kia Cauthen at 704-336-5844 or email for more information.

With rents increasing so quickly in the Charlotte market, how are exceptions handled to what has always been the maximum 2% annual increase?

INLIVIAN provides rent increases from 2-10% based on comparable units and the approved payment standard.

How does a person receive project-based voucher funding for an affordable housing project that charges extremely low rents for individuals ranging from $480-$900 a month without increasing, can a project still qualify?

Project-based voucher assistance is competitively awarded.  INLIVIAN has partnered with the City of Charlotte to accept PBV funding applications from developers that receive Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and/or Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) funding awards through a competitive process.  INLIVIAN doesn’t not currently have a Request for Proposal (RFP) for project- based vouchers.

Sorry, my internet is very weak. Will I be able to get the entire recording link?

Yes, INLIVIAN will posted the recorded 2020 Housing Provider Symposium on the website.

Will this PowerPoint be made available to us?

Yes, INLIVIAN will posted the recorded 2020 Housing Provider Symposium on the website.

Who do you contact if you want project-based vouchers from INLIVIAN?

INLIVIAN does not currently have a Request for Proposal for Project-Based Vouchers.

What is a QC inspection?

The QC inspection stands for a Quality Control and these inspections are conducted by a supervisor or other qualified staff. These inspections are done at random and the units are selected from a pool of inspections that were recently done within the last 60 days.

What is the Good neighbor orientation?

The Good Neighbor Training is part of the housing Choice Voucher Briefing.  This training provides new voucher holders with tips on how to be a good neighbor and select a neighborhood with resources and amenities to meet their family’s needs.

I have an HCV tenant and her grandchild has moved in with her. Why isn’t she able include her grandchild until it is time to recertify?

Families can report household changes to their family composition at any time.  The family will need to provide documentation showing they were awarded custody by the court so the child can be added to her voucher.

If a tenant damages your property and you were able to get them transferred out of your unit, but you didn’t what to evict them or give them a bad referral so they can find another unit, can you still get the $1,000 dollars to repair your unit for the next renter?

The Risk Mitigation funds of $1,000 is only provided to the housing provider if there was an eviction or an unauthorized move of the tenant. However, the housing provider may quality for the Continuity Bonus that reimburses up to 14 days of vacancy rate if you lease up with a new family within 60 days of the prior family moving out.

Is it possible to send out a report of the benefits involved with program to Property management companies?

INLIVAN can provide the housing provider or property manager with relevant information about the benefits of the HCV program upon request by contacting Kia Cauthen at 704-336-5844 or

The “New Normal” …Navigating the Current Affordable Housing Regulatory Landscape

Christopher Loebsack, Attorney, Loebsack & Brownlee, PLLC

As a landlord or housing provider, if I give the declaration and not file for nonpayment of rent, how do I ensure I eventually get my rental payments?

No one really knows how you can retrieve your rents due to nonpayment.  The eviction process is the only way that really gives the housing provider the power to hold renters to their tasks.  If you choose not to file or you file with the time limits of the law, it is really the only way to make sure the tenants pay you.  The best solution is to make sure to connect your tenant to apply for Housing assistance program, such as the HOPE program or other resources available locally and state provided.

Where can I get a copy of the affidavit?

You can get a copy of the Cares Act affidavit that is available at the NC Administrative Offices of the Court or at any courthouse.

Section 4024 – How does this apply if mortgage was not reaffirmed or backed federally?

None of the Cares Act applies to you if you don’t have a federally backed mortgage.  If your property doesn’t have a mortgage at all of a private mortgage lender, refinance it’s mortgage from a FHA loan into a non-FHA loan during the period of time since March, then you are not a covered property, then none of the 4023, 4024 applies to your property.  As a result, you are not subject to these restrictions and can conduct business as usual.

Landlords typically need rent to pay mortgages and taxes. When do we get our money back from what could be months of moratoriums and declarations protecting tenants from payment?

No one really knows how you can retrieve your rents due to nonpayment.  The eviction process is the only way that really gives the housing provider the power to hold renters to their tasks.  If you choose not to file or you file with the time limits of the law, it is really the only way to make sure the tenants pay you.  The best solution is to make sure to connect your tenant to apply for Housing assistance program, such as the HOPE program or other resources available locally and state provided.

How WE make this work? Property Management with a POPP

Sherkica Miller McIntyre, Owner of Carod Properties, President, Charlotte Chapter of National Association of Residential Property Managers Member, INLIVIAN Housing Provider Advisory Committee

 Do you recommend doing your own inspections once or twice a year to ensure there are no issues and make sure there has been no damages done to the property?

I recommend that you do at least one per year to ensure there are no issues and to make sure there has been no damages to the property.  During this time, if you are not fully equipped and do not feel safe with doing property evaluations personally, there are ways to do these using technology and apps. Your phone can be your best friend!  Note you should also consider having a certified inspector cone to your investment at least every 2-3 years max 3-5.

Have any of your HCVP tenants been impacted by COVID-19 with respect to paying rent?

Our office is blessed to state that our residents’ impact from COVID-19 has been limited and those few with challenges, truly had challenges prior.  None of our HCVP participants to date l have communicated difficulties paying rent.  However, if there comes a point there is a challenge due to the lost of income, the program has a safety net.

Have you participated on the Housing provider advisory committee? If so, what has been your experience?

Yes, I am a participant in the program and have found it a pleasure.  Working with the program leaders, has helped me increase my knowledge and understanding of not only the program but the participants. Understanding, the need and the impact our business participation can make on families, has been eye opening.

 How many voucher holders rent with you?

Our office has a limit on the number of participants for our portfolio.  Our limit is roughly 10% equating to currently a max of 18-20 participants at a time.  We will be

 How many years have you partnered with INLIVIAN?

I have partnered with INLIVIAN for almost 18 years with my personal portfolio and 15 years as a property manager for landlords.

How would I go about seeking your consulting services?

My consulting services begin with scheduling a Dream Session.  The link below is how to easily schedule time to speak with me about your goals and how I can assist in your achievement.

Do you recommend being an HVP as an individual or business? What are the pros and cons of either of these?

The answer to this question is really a personal preference and based on how your currently operate.  The processes and procedures remain the same whether signing up as an individual or entity.  I always recommend speaking with your accountant and an attorney to discuss your business set up to determine if operating as an individual or entity is best based on your circumstances.  Personally, I operate under LLC’s for the most of my business.

HCV Inspections 101

Chiara Hankerson, HCV Inspections Manager, INLIVIAN

Kenneth Thomas, HCV Lead Inspector, INLIVIAN

Can you explain the (Housing Provider’s) responsibilities related to the RFTA process?

The housing provider is responsible for thoroughly completing the Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) paperwork along with the prospective tenant. The Housing Provider will also register with INLIVAN to start the lease up process with the HCVP family.

What modifications have been made to the inspections process due to COVID-19?

The INLIVIAN inspections department is currently working on a process to conduct inspections during COVID-19.  Currently, it is not finalized yet, but it is a work in progress.  Once a process is implemented, we will to notify participants and housing providers in advance.

Is central air and heating required?

Central air is not a requirement for an unit on the HCV program.  However, heat is a requirement.